
File Type

Choose between these File Types:

  • Excel

  • CSV

  • TXT

When using Google Drive / Google Sheets as Storage you will see this additional option:

  • How to write data to Google Sheets

    • Overwrite

    • Append

    • Add sheets

    • Create new file

These are all available options when using CSV file type:

  • Encoding

    • UTF-8 (Default)

    • UTF-8 with BOM

    • ASCII

    • CP1252 (Windows-1252)

    • ISO-8859-1

    • ISO-8859-8

    • Shift JIS

  • Delimiter

    • , (Default)

    • ;

    • tab

    • |

  • Quote

    • " (Default)

    • '

    • none

    • " (forced)

  • Line break

    • LF (Mac | Linux | Unix)

    • CRLF (Windows)

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