Append rows in Google Sheet with custom columns


Append rows in Google Sheet with custom columns

Append rows in Google Sheet with custom columns

In this Tutorial we show how to append rows in a Google Sheet file with a custom column. You could use this tutorial for example if you would like to export your orders to the same Google Sheet file every day with a custom column in the sheet where you write down notes to the orders.

  1. Set the "Export Mode" in the Report Settings to "Incremental" This will cause DataChamp to only export new orders that haven't been exported in a previous run.

  1. Change the "File Type" to "Google Sheets" and select "Append". Now DataChamp will only add new rows without overwrite old ones.

  1. Add your custom column in the report editor

Every time DataChamp processes the Shopify data it will only append additional lines and the lines already in the report will keep as you modify them.


You must add the additional columns in DataChamp - only then they will be kept and not overwritten (only new lines with the same empty columns will be appended).

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